Dr. O’s Tips: Alternatives to OTC Painkillers

Good news if you love Indian food! Studies have found that curcumin, an active ingredient in the spice turmeric, works better than pain-relieving drugs to reduce inflammation and pain without the risks. Pain-relievers like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Acetaminophen are often thought to be harmless because they are sold over-the-counter, but they still have dangerous side-effects and should be used sparingly […]

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Dr. O’s Tips: When you buy a cup of coffee, take the plastic lid off before you drink it or use a travel mug

Take the plastic lid off of your coffee in order to avoid BPA, a hormone-disrupting chemical used in making plastics. It is always a good idea to avoid using plastic food containers to avoid this compound that mimics estrogen and other hormones, but it is especially important when drinking hot coffee because the heat and […]

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