Thrive Naturally With Gentle Chiropractic Care!


Get out of pain, get back to doing what you love, and live a healthier life, without drugs or surgery.

At Cape Ann Community Chiropractic, instead of just treating symptoms, we find the underlying root cause of your health problems so you experience meaningful, long term results. Dr. Erin O’Maley’s mission is to understand your experience and health goals, to address any blockages to your highest level of wellbeing, and to ensure you know what is going on through each stage of healing.

If you’ve been told you’re healthy, but still feel achy, tight, foggy, fatigued, or older than your years, your body may be experiencing the effects of lifestyle stress. Chiropractic is the answer to gently unwinding the effects of stress from the nervous system, so you can feel more energetic, clear, creative and capable to meet all of your life’s demands.

Every patient gets started with an in-depth initial exam to get to the root cause of what they are experiencing and see exactly how stress may be affecting their body’s healthy rhythm. Then, the doctor takes time to craft a unique care plan to help you heal naturally and reach your personal health goals. Over time, we track progress using advanced technology to watch your body becoming more adaptable and resilient. Book online, or text 978-381-3050 now to schedule your detailed assessment.

Experience the difference at Cape Ann Community Chiropractic!


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What to Expect and Cost

10 Things Most People Don’t Know About Chiropractic

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Cape Ann Community Chiropractic is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.