Getting Adjusted For Your Art

You might already know that chiropractic is essential for top athletes, but not many people know that chiropractic care has tremendous benefits for artists as well!

With our fast-paced modern lifestyles, many of us get locked into the “fight-or-flight” side of the nervous system. This side is useful to protect us in an emergency, but being stuck in stress response long-term is a very unhealthy place to be. It is a universal law that we cannot be in creation and protection at the same time.

We experience our entire lives through our nervous system. When unnatural tension is released from the spine and the central nervous system housed within it, the creative life force flows freely from your brain to body.  

The founder of chiropractic, Dr. D.D. Palmer said that “The purpose of chiropractic is to unite man the physical with man the spiritual, so that the finite knows itself as infinite.” Do you sometimes feel like your best art is delivered from somewhere beyond yourself, from what some may call Spirit? Whatever you choose to call it, that life force flowing through your spine connects you with Source energy, or Universal Intelligence, helping you be your most clear, energized, and creative. This is why we sit with a balanced spine during meditation.

In addition to helping you be your most creative best, chiropractic helps you perform at your peak level and can help artists with many specific physical problems: 

It relaxes the vocal cords so you can sing with greater ease and less strain.

Musicians bent over an instrument for hours daily, pain in your back or strumming hand? We can help.

It helps dancers be more coordinated and recover from physical demands.

Artists and designers stuck sitting over a sketchpad or at the computer, or hunched over a pottery wheel, or even over yards of fabric, needle in hand? You’ve got to experience chiropractic!

You are more capable, clear and creative, and experience a greater level of ease in your daily life when your nervous system is properly tuned.


Schedule a consultation today to learn how chiropractic can help you be your best you!