Dr. O’s Tips: Healthy Sun Exposure

Get regular, unprotected sun exposure for 10-30 minutes daily, during specific hours when beneficial rays are strong, in order to maximize your vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is important for your health and low vitamin D is associated with increased risk of many conditions including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and depression. 10-30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure daily is important for good health so your body is able to make vitamin D from cholesterol. Start 5-10 minutes if you’re fair-skinned and always protect your face and eyes.

When the angle of the sun is less than 50 degrees, the beneficial rays (UVB) will be blocked and the damaging cancer-causing rays (UVA) will be stronger. During those hours it is important to put on a safe SPF 15 sunscreen (without hormone-disrupting and carcinogenic ingredients).

You can find out during which hours the angle of the sun is more than 50 degrees quickly and easily by visiting the United State’s Naval Observatory‘s website and inputing your location. Then click “compute table” and read the angle of the sun’s altitude listed next to the times of day. I found out that today it is healthiest for me to be in the sun between 11:30 AM and 2:00 PM where I live in Gloucester, MA. Learn how to choose a safe sunscreen by visiting the Environmental Working Group‘s website.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Erin O’Maley