Dr. O’s Tips: Practice “Still Sitting” Daily

If the thought of taking time out of your day to meditate makes you cringe or just plain angry, instead try to think of practicing “still sitting” as a healthy habit like brushing your teeth. Reserve a few moments during your day to just sit still in quiet, outside if possible, and bring your awareness back to your body.

This significantly improves brain function, mood and attention, and helps a variety of medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, asthma, type II diabetes, PMS, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, phobias, and eating disorders.

When we’re always on the go as most modern humans are, we can get locked into the “fight or flight” emergency state of the nervous system. Taking some time to quiet your mind, deepen your breath, and consciously relax helps to bring the system back into balance so the body can regulate and heal itself.

To get started, set a timer for 5 minutes and work your way up to 10. Practice healthy posture. Focus on letting your breath expand your belly all the way out, then fully exhale your belly button to your spine. Allow yourself to become aware of any muscle tension and then release it, from the top of your head working down to your toes. It will help you perform better the rest of your day.
Yours in Health,

Dr. Erin O’Maley