Dr. O’s Tips: Take breaks from prolonged sitting to protect your heart

Take 5-10 minutes after every hour of sitting to walk or move around, not only to protect your back, but your heart health as well.

If you are a chiropractic patient, or maybe if you are a fan of yoga or Pilates, then you already understand that the balance and mobility of your spine affects your body’s inner function and whole health. Taking breaks from sitting at your workstation isn’t just important to care for your spine and prevent back and neck pain. Prolonged sitting also significantly impacts cardiovascular and metabolic function. Studies have found that the combination of prolonged sitting and inadequate exercise doubles mens’ risk of heart failure. The risk still increases for individuals who do exercise regularly, as another study found that 6 hours of uninterrupted sitting counteracts the health benefits of 1 hour of exercise. You can reduce the risk of heart disease associated with prolonged sitting by taking a five minute walk for every hour spend sitting. Intermittent movement also pumps cerebrospinal fluid to the brain through motion of the spine and improves mood, attention and memory.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Erin O’Maley